Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Only 2 Sundays left to Pay!!

The display table will be out until the 26th of August.  All money is due August 26th.  That leaves two more Sunday's to pay.  Cash or check.  Please make all checks payable to Michelle Thrall.  Michelle will not be in church this Sunday, Ashley Willis will be collecting all checks/cash on her behalf.  We will not be accepting money after the 26th.  There are many items that need to be ordered etc. and we need all money in by the 26th so as to have everything ready for the event.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Freebies: Gospel Puzzles & Christmas Tags

There will be two freebies this year.  Gospel puzzles are great for Sacrament meeting to keep the kiddos occupied.  Christmas tags are available to assemble and great to use on Christmas gifts.

Chore Charts $13.50

Great to motivate children to do their chores.  A great way to keep track of what they need to be doing.  The chart will be printed with black vinyl and will include 12 magnets.  You will have a lot of options for which magnets you can make that night.

Stocking Holders $5.00 EACH

These stocking holders are great to display for the holidays.  The stocking holders will be $5.00 each.

Boo Letters $7.00

Cute Boo Craft.  Great to display for Halloween.